Silence, Yoga and Meditation Retreat in Tarifa.
5 Days/6 Nights of Inner & Outer Silence, Yoga and Meditation Retreat
in Bolonia. tarifa (South of spain).
05.09.18 - 09.09.18
"Silence offers all the answers to the most important questions".
We spend too much time looking outside ourselves. The outside world it is only a reflection of our inner world. And just by turning our attention inwards, we gain the capacity to change what occurs in the outside world.
At the beginning, this inner turning is only possible through the practice and cultivation of meditation. And moreover through mindfulness meditation: the ecuanimus and constant observation of the present moment, just exactly as it is.
In this Silent retreat we have created the perfect atmosphere for you to relax, to disconnect from the outside world and to re-connect with your inner world, that one where all answers are to be unfolded.
During this 5 day/6 night retreat, you will experience inner and outer silence, practice daily meditation, yang yoga (active) and yin yoga (deep meditative still practice); and daily Sat Sangs (questions and answers group circles where to go deeper into specific subjects that effect our lives).
You will have fixed times for yoga, silence and contemplation and plenty of free time to stay at the retreat area or go out into the beautiful nature, go to the beach, horse ride and even kite or windsurf if that is what your soul craves in order to become more quiet.
We do love silence (specially in these beautiful surroundings), but we do not want to force anyone to do anything. Just within the silent areas you are asked to respect noble silence and refrain from any type of communication with each other. Outside this circuit, as a responsible human you can do what ever you want. And we believe you will do what will benefit the most your highest You in the long run!
Facilities & other info:
Arrival September the 4th 21:00 latest. Departure Monday September the 10th after meditation 7:30am (check out time limit 12:00am).
- Maximum occupancy for the retreat: 8 people.
- 6 bed mixed dorm accommodation with amazing view over the Natural Park.
- Double bed private room (2 people).
- Shared bathroom and outside showers.
- 3 daily vegetarian meals (or 2 daily meals plus one juicing in the evening).
- 2 daily yoga sessions.
- Daily meditation.
- Sat Sang daily.
- Pick up from Tarifa to Retreat location is included.
- NOT INCLUDED: Airfares, transportation to Tarifa from airport.
- NOT INCLUDED: Extra activities not described above such us horse riding, kayak tour, creative cooking vegan class, kitesurf and windsurf class.
Investment per person: 5 days/6 nights 730€.
If you come by plane to Cadiz area, the best and closest airports are Malaga and Jerez de la Frontera. We also suggest taking a train from Madrid to Algeciras and once there, take a direct bus to Tarifa where we will pick you up.
- Comfortable clothes for yoga and meditation.
- Shower and Beach towel.
- Swimsuit and beach outfit.
- Flip flops and sport shoes to walk in nature.
- Autumn and summer clothes (in the night it can be chilly).
- Earplugs for better sleep.
- Mosquito repellent if you are sensitive to bites.
- Notebook and pen if you like to paint or write what comes to you.
- Your own refilling bottle.
Daily schedule:
- 8:00am Wake up
- 8:30-9:00am Silence Meditation (supported by Maite)
- 9:00-10:30 Yang Yoga (hatha vinyasa style)
- 10:30-11:30 Shower and breakfast time
- 11:30-14:00 Free time *
- 14:00-15:00 lunch
- 15:00-18:00 Free time *
- 18:00-19:30 Yin yoga
- 19:30-20:30 Meditation and Sat Sang (Talk and questions)
- 20:30-21:30 Dinner time (juicing is optional)
- 22:00 Bed time (of course you can always star gaze)
*In your free time you can choose to be within the areas of the retreat center and keep practicing silence and meditation, you can go outside (and even talk if you choose so); or join any of the extra activities we propose you such as horse riding, kayak, kite surfing, cooking class. Please note that these activities are not included on your retreat price and they have an extra charge. Also, if there is any other activity you would like to do that it is not listed, please let us know and we will do our best to arrange it for you.
Daily schedule might be subject to changes, depending on the day and activity offered.
In this retreat you have plenty of time for yourself. Yoga, meditation and Sat Sangs are mandatory. Please make sure you attend all mandatory activities on time.
Maite and her team have designed the space to offer you the best gift possible: SILENCE. In a retreat that will blow your mind away! During these 5 Day initiation into inner silence retreat, you will gather the space to observe your thoughts and your emotions. And more over your daily unconscious habits that make you run in autopilot and that are actually the only obstacle between you and the life of your dreams.
Perfect for those:
- Yoga practitioners and yoga teachers that want to go deeper into the understanding of the effects of yoga and meditation practice in their daily life.
- Students interested in spiritual development.
- People looking for a few days away from their own daily reality in order to re-connect inwards.
- People looking for whole mental and physical well being.
- Looking to change habits in their lives and do not know where and how to start.
- Those interested in inmerse themselves into a full 10 days or longer Vipassana retreat, but are still hesitating.
- Vipassana experienced meditators that consider that a bit of body movement during the practice would benefit them during meditation.
The aim of this retreat is to build the foundation for a consistent and regular meditation practice. It is ONLY through meditation, silence and inner awareness, that we are capable to understand that everything that happens in the external world it is just a projection of what happens in the internal world.
View over the Dune and Gibraltar Straight from our Retreat Location.
Maite Méndez
Hi, I am Maite. My passion has been since a child, the mystery of who we really are and how the connection body-mind really happens. Since I was a little girl, I experienced surprisingly fast somatizations. Every time something did or did not resonate with me, my body was reacting. My body (so it is yours) is the vessel that your soul uses to manifest. And this is why it is constantly communicating with us; sometimes even fighting (through dis-ease) with our minds.
So I was fully aware of this connection, but I did not understand how did it actually work. Though my path in Hatha Yoga, Yin yoga and mindful meditation, this connection increased. It is also through my years of study, investigation through the ancient text of Yoga, Vedas, the meridian system of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Neuroscience and self inquiry practice that I really found the answers. And this is what I am here today for: to share with you this knowledge, so you can make as well good use of this information for you, your life and the life of others…
Mind, Body and Spirit are constantly interconnected. That is a fact! Just by the understanding of this principle, we can master our lives and the way we live them in order to create the highest version of our selves in this life time reality.
From my Heart, I really hope you enjoy this retreat and make the most out of it!
♥ Maite
Maite has done several silent meditation retreats in different parts of the world and she is an experienced international Yin and Yang yoga teacher. Her family’s background in macrobiotics brought her since a child into the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the meridian system.
This 5 days retreat is an initiation into silence for those that are curious about what is it like to live for a few days of weeks in isolation, but still do not dare to jump into the full Vipassana experience. It is also designed for those experienced meditators that miss the physical active part in those long meditation retreats and have (or not) yoga experience.