free live online event

from tuesday 16th to saturday 20th march 2021

A journey through the emotions.

In 5 days learn to self-manage your emotions and navigate them lightly through the nutritional and holistic principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yin Yoga and Meditation.

¡easy tools to apply on your daily life!


This event is for you if…

  • You have ever experienced that emotions seem to take control over you to the point that you know that you are not well but you do not even understand exactly what is happening to you or what you feel.

  • You notice that your mood changes a thousand times a day without you having control over it?

  • You feel paralyzed without being able to move on with your day because you feel pressure on your neck, shoulders, back or chest? Or all those areas at the same time?

  • You would like to be able to better understand the process of your emotions and improve the physical and emotional states that are affected by anxiety, fatigue, fear, stress and frustration, among others?

¡Continue reading because this free online event could change your life!

On this journey together, you will learn:

  • The different types of emotions that we experience throughout the day or periods of our life.

  • We will understand how emotions affect the health of our body through the energy in our organs. Which emotions affect which organs and why it is important to identify them at an early stage to avoid imbalance and disease.

  • How thoughts affect emotions and emotions affect our body.

  • The nutritional and aromatherapy principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine: what foods and infusions improve the health of each organ and therefore improve the state of each emotion.

  • Yoga and Meditation: what simple Asanas (yoga postures) that you can practice at home regardless of your age and physical condition and what methods of meditation and breathing are necessary to obtain positive results in our life

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Reserve these dates on your calendar:

  • 1st Session: Introduction. Fear & Trust. Tuesday March 16th 2021. 14:30pm (Madrid). 13.30pm (London). 8.30am (Miami). 21:30pm (Bali).

  • 2nd Session: Anger & Compassion. Wednesday March 17th 2021. 14:30pm (Madrid). 13.30pm (London). 8.30am (Miami). 21:30pm (Bali).

  • 3rd Session: Love & Hate. Thursday March 18th 2021. 14:30pm (Madrid). 13.30pm (London). 8.30am (Miami). 21:30pm (Bali).

  • 4th Session: Worry & Satisfaction. Friday March 19th 2021. 14:30pm (Madrid). 13.30pm (London). 8.30am (Miami). 21:30pm (Bali).

  • 5th Session: Grief & Sadness. Saturday March 20th 2021. 14:30pm (Madrid). 13.30pm (London). 8.30am (Miami). 21:30pm (Bali).

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In this Free Online Event we will travel through the emotions and you will receive simple and easy-to-apply tools in your daily life to navigate emotions with grace and ease.

¡Book your free spot and join this Free Live Online Event for 5 days!